David Martín
Italian Raygrass and Westerwold Raygrass are two different varieties that are commonly used in planting lawns and pastures.
Jared Jesus Rabanillo
Annual herbaceous climbing plant with a stem up to 80-90 cm high. Its leaves are petiolate, alternate and composed of 2 to 16 leaflets, oblong and ending in a branched tendril.
Jared Jesus Rabanillo
ESSEEDS enOn 27 September, Natalia Ortiz wrote an article for Agrónoma, the agronomy section of ABC Sevilla about tropical fodder crops that face drought.the media: ABC Sevilla
Jared Jesus Rabanillo
Nitrogen is a chemical element identified by the letter N. It is a colourless, odourless gas and plays a major role in plant growth.
David Martín
ESSEEDS and Semillas Batlle sign a collaboration agreement for the expansion and commercialisation of new crop alternatives that generate diverse options for farmers on the Iberian Peninsula.