
Lablab purpureus


Flamenc stands out for its fast establishment, so it is characterized by the control it makes of weeds.
It stands out for its high nitrogen fixation so it is used to improve soil quality by increasing soil fertility.
It produces a large amount of organic matter of rapid mineralization, a fundamental aspect for the subsequent sowing of the next crop.
It is a plant that adapts very well to different soils and climates. Finding its ideal characteristics in soil the loamy soils well drained, with a pH of 4.5 to 8.0. In addition, it is able to tolerate prolonged droughts.
It is suitable for animal consumption and can be used in silage grazing, obtaining a high palatability and thus great appetite for animals.


  • Quick establishment.
  • Nitrogen Fixation
  • Large amount of organic matter with rapid mineralization
  • Very rustic plant
  • Good adaptation to different types of soils
  • High drought resistance


Scientific name of the species

Lablab purpureus

Common name of the species


Vegetative cycle

Annual, 10 - 12 weeks




0.6- 1.00 m

Growing season

Warm season




Deep, well drained. Sandy, silty and loamy loam

Drought tolerance


Frost tolerance


Salinity tolerance

Medium - high

Flood tolerance

Does not tolerate

Total dry matter production/ ha

5,000 - 8,000 kg of dry matter / ha





Planting period

From the beginning of the hot season

Planting density

18 kg / ha

Planting depth

1-2 cm


Cover crops and fodder.

Flamenc Implementation

Preparation of the land

The preparation of the soil must be carried out from
way to promote a good establishment of crops being used appropriate equipment in the period
correct, considering that the preparation of the soil is one of the most important aspects for birth. It must be
get a loose soil which will allow us to have the right planting depth.

Sowing and establishment

Data to take into account is the planting surface, the correct surface is 1-2 cm. deep in soil.

  • The use of compactor roller in sandy soils improves the quality of planting according to
    of uniform acceleration of seed germination (not recommended for soils
  • It can be sown in direct sowing obtaining excellent results.

The establishment must occur when the luminosity and temperature are adequate for germination.
It usually coincides with minimum temperatures above 10 degrees Celsius.


Water is necessary for germination to occur.
When seeds are hydrated with soil moisture, they absorb water. It is the initial process of germination.

  • Germination irrigation, of the amount necessary to make the moisture in the soil homogeneous, taking into account the climatic factors (wind, the type and texture of the soil, orography of the terrain). Provide enough water to gather moisture in the soil
    using a high volume of water to avoid problems of “cooking” of the seed due to the high temperatures at the date of planting, always avoiding waterlogging.
  • Subsequent irrigations: taking into account the climatic factors (wind, the type and texture of the soil, orography of the terrain) must be carried out at the request of the plant, the symptoms of irrigation needs are flaccidity and decay of the leaves.
  • The water needs of the plant are increasing according to the growth of the plant, having to provide more water as the plant grows.
  • In a first stage (still small plant) the plant does not tolerate an excess of water correctly.
  • First irrigation germination, with this type of irrigation takes even more importance the use of the roller compactor to avoid the possible dragging of the seed (provided that the texture of the soil allows us).
  • Second half-cycle irrigation: it should be provided when the crop is in the middle of the cycle. However, as we indicated in sprinkler we must analyze the water need of the plant, being able to advance or delay irrigation at the request of the crop.

Weed control

Lablab purpureus is from the Fabaceae families which implies that it is classified as a broadleaf crop.

Narrow leaf weed control: Narrow leaf weed control can be done in pre-sowing or post-planting using any selective herbicide we find on the market.
Control of broadleaf weeds: this crop is a broadleaf crop we must take many precautions when choosing the herbicide to combat broadleaf. Exclusively as a tested herbicide we can recommend in pre-emergency Pendimetaline 45.5% at a dose of 2 liters hectare. The correct application must be carried out with the seed established in the soil and after its application perform an irrigation for its perfect action.


It should be noted that Lablab purpureus is one of the families of legumes so it carries intrinsic its ability to fix nitrogen in soil, an action it performs by capturing CO2 from the atmosphere and transforming it into nitrogen by fixing it by the nodules of its roots,
to do this action we must inoculate the seeds with Bradyrhizobium. Nitrogen fixation such as the contribution of organic matter and the reduction of the nematode population in the soil are its main characteristics that make Crescent Sunn an international reference green manure.

In its forage use, where the purpose is to get the highest possible yield to obtain the highest productions the fertilizer as in all crops is a basis to take into account.

Advisable fertilizers: the levels of phosphorus, nitrogen and potash must be maintained in their optimal state since they are macro elements that are linked to the growth of plant species. Fertilizers not very rich in nitrogen and high in phosphorus and potash are advised.


Lablab purpureus can be sensitive to the pest of insects such as gardama, donut or polyphagous insects, if these were present in the crop we must treat with an insecticide containing pyrethrin, a systematic insecticide that can usually be found in stores.

ESSEEDS - Mapa esseeds - Flamenc 5

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