David Martín
Italian Raygrass and Westerwold Raygrass are two different varieties that are commonly used in planting lawns and pastures.
Jared Jesus Rabanillo
Annual herbaceous climbing plant with a stem up to 80-90 cm high. Its leaves are petiolate, alternate and composed of 2 to 16 leaflets, oblong and ending in a branched tendril.
Jared Jesus Rabanillo
ESSEEDS enOn 27 September, Natalia Ortiz wrote an article for Agrónoma, the agronomy section of ABC Sevilla about tropical fodder crops that face drought.the media: ABC Sevilla
Jared Jesus Rabanillo
Nitrogen is a chemical element identified by the letter N. It is a colourless, odourless gas and plays a major role in plant growth.
David Martín
ESSEEDS and Semillas Batlle sign a collaboration agreement for the expansion and commercialisation of new crop alternatives that generate diverse options for farmers on the Iberian Peninsula.
David Martín
implantation of one or more plant species in association with the main crop or in alternation between production periods of our farm to make an improvement of our agricultural soil.