Siambasa Grass
Panicum Maximum
Siambasa® Grass It belongs to the grass family, more specifically to the Panicum Maximum species, with which we achieve an excellent relationship between production and quality . It is an excellent alternative both in the agricultural and livestock sectors given that it combines a great forage yield with excellent nutritional quality , reaching high protein values and excellent percentages of fiber, energy and digestibility.
Another fact to take into account is its easy handling since we can pack during times of high temperatures without losing quality due to leaf fall. Siambasa grass is a crop that is 80% leafy in its composition, it can be used for hay, silage or direct grazing.
Pasto Siambasa the fodder of champions.
- High forage yields
- Very rustic plant
- Salinity tolerance
- Resistance to pests and diseases
- Excellent stem-to-leaf ratio up to 80% leaves
- In vitro digestibility up to 80%
- Protein content of 14% – 16%
- Use for hay, silo and grazing

Scientific name of the species
Panicum Maximun Mombasa
Common name of the species
Siambasa Grass
Vegetative cycle
According to production areas (annual or multiannual up to 6 years)
Erect and godson
1.2 - 1.6 mt
Growing season
Warm season
Deep, well drained. Sandy franc, frank and loamy loam
Drought tolerance
Frost tolerance
Salinity tolerance
Tolerance to waterlogging
Does not tolerate
Total dry matter production/ha
18,000 - 24,000 kg of Dry Matter /ha
Does not possess
Planting season
Since the beginning of the warm season
Planting density
10 kg/ha
Depth of planting
1 cm
Forage production
Implantation of Pasto Siambasa
Preparation of the land
The preparation of the soil must be carried out in order to promote a good establishment of Pasto Siambasa being used appropriate equipment in the correct period, considering that the preparation of the soil is one of the most important aspects in the formation of fodder crops, you must get a loose soil which will allow us to have the appropriate planting depth.
Sowing and establishment
- It is important to always cover all the seeds in the sowing, to avoid that they when they are on the surface of the soil do not dehydrate depending on the high temperatures. Use of the compactor roller that improves the quality of the sowing according to the uniform acceleration of the germination of the seeds.
- For excessively sandy soils we recommend the use of the compactor roller before and after planting.
Weed control
Like any other crop, this aspect is very important the more weed competition we have, the worse the implantation of the meadow will be. We must point out that Pasto Siambasa is a grass and as such of narrow leaf so that the weeds of this nature it is not possible to control chemically, for its control in post emergency it is advisable to advance the cut in order to avoid the gleaning of the same.
For the control of broadleaf we will use in post emergency we will use a combination of two herbicides in a single treatment from 30 days of crops, in case of much premature invasion of weeds the treatment can be advanced from 3 leaves. The active substances would be:
Fluroxipir + sulfonylureas (tribenuron methyl, tifensulfuron methyl, etc.)
Soil analysis serves to verify its chemical condition, nutritional deficiencies and imbalances. With the results obtained, we will be able to make the recommendations of the necessary nutrients. In the hypothesis of deciding not to invest in analytics, we indicate as a background subscriber 18-46-0 (DAP), 15-15-15 or 11-11-11 + microelements. And in each cut as a cover fertilizer any fertilizer rich in nitrogen. We must point out that soils with high percentages in organic matter the fertilizers provided are available to the plant for a longer time.
Water is necessary for germination to occur. When seeds are hydrated with soil moisture, they absorb water. It is the initial process of germination. For the seed to have the capacity to absorb water, the moisture in the soil must be constant during the first 15 days. We must remember that the depth of sowing is 0.5 – 1 cm, so we must maintain the relative humidity (not waterlogging) in that first fragment
It can be both for silage, hay and for direct grazing. In direct grazing, high intensity of livestock load and low frequency are advised.
The cutting of the plant either mechanically or in grazing should not be less than a height of 10 cm from the ground, to achieve an optimal regrowth.

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